Close One Person Company


Filing a proper application for winding up or closing a one person company (OPC), and following the prescribed procedure for closure, are absolutely necessary for closing the OPC legally and officially. 

A Company closure is filed under Form STK 2 (Earlier form was FTE) along with the government fees of Rs.5000/- and some necessary docs.A Company closure can be filed after the following steps:

  • Pay all Liabilities
  • Prepare Application: The next step is to prepare application and file the same with ROC through form STK - 2 (Earlier Form FTE).

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Documents Required for Closure of OPC

  • Application for Striking off of the OPC
  • Board Resolution for closure
  • Consent of Directors
  • Director's Affidavit
  • Statement of Assets and Liabilities
  • Closure of the OPC is done voluntarily and is done through the fast track exit scheme.
  • Winding up of the company may be voluntary or by the order of the Court by appointing an official liquidator to monitor the process of winding up.
  • Dissolution is initiated by the Court for ending the legal existence of the Company.

It is necessary to file Closure with the ROC as ROC or MCA data base need to be updated and the OPC is free from all its legal compliances as it is officially closed.
Even though business of the company is closed, unless closure documents are filed and approved by the ROC, company is not legally closed and the OPC needs to file all the regular returns.

The Form has to filled be filed with ROC office within 30 days from the date of Signing of the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

Any OPC which has been inoperative for more than 1 year from the date of its incorporation can apply for Closure under FTE scheme.